
By Archivportal-D
There are new exciting virtual exhibitions by archives to be discovered online. Using DDBStudio, the participating archives have created exhibitions presenting part of their unique holdings for you to enjoy while on the road, at home or meeting with friends. Come take a peek!
By Fabienne Huguenin
Eight families from Argentina, England, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA visited Munich from November 4 to 8, 2024. As descendants of people persecuted by the Nazis, they followed in the footsteps of their family members who once lived in the Bavarian capital. The exploration of their Munich roots also took them to the Main Bavarian State Archives
By Archivportal-D
For more than two years, the Online Collection „Wiedergutmachung for National Socialist Justice” has been online. It all started with an overview of the relevant archival holdings from German state archives. Frequent updates followed, with a current focus on holdings from municipal archives. From now on, users also have the option to search for individual records.
By Archivportal-D
We are constantly working on improving the Online Collection „Wiedergutmachung for National Socialist Injustice“. Right here, we regularly provide information about new services and content.
By Archivportal-D
The State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Federal Ministry of Finance have signed an agreement on the financing of a three-part project to digitize, describe and put online Wiedergutmachung records of the State Archives’ Rhineland Department. The project...