Diese Seite enthält eine Liste englischsprachiger Literaturtitel zu verschiedenen Aspekten und Themen der Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialistischen Unrechts. Die Sortierung der Dokumente orientiert sich an der Struktur der Themenrecherche auf der Startseite des Portals. Die Übersicht erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und wird laufend ergänzt.
Wiedergutmachung allgemein (Rückerstattung und Entschädigung)
Bentwich, Norman: The United Restitution Organisation 1948-1968. The Work of Restitution and Compensation for Victims of Nazi Oppression, London 1968.
De Greiff, Pablo / The International Center for Transitional Justice (Hg.): The Handbook of Reparations, Oxford 2006.
Dean, Martin / Goschler, Constantin / Ther, Philipp (Hg.): Robbery and Restitution. The Conflict over Jewish Property in Europe, New York 2007.
Federal Ministry of Finance (ed.): A timeline. Measures to compensate for National Socialist Injustice. Updated 01 August 2022, Berlin 2022. Online-Version
Federal Ministry of Finance (ed.): Wiedergutmachung. Provisions relating to compensation for National Socialist injustice, Updated: 02 June 2023, Berlin 2023. Online-Version
Frohn, Axel: Holocaust and Shilumim. The Policy of Wiedergutmachung in the Early 1950s (= German Historical Institute Washington D.C., Occasional Paper No. 2), Washington D.C. 1991. Online-Version
Henry, Marilyn: Fifty Years of Holocaust Compensation, in: The American Jewish Year Book 102 (2002), S. 3–84. Online-Version
Ludi, Regula / Siemens, Daniel: Themenheft „Reparations and the Historiography of the Holocaust: An Entangled History“, Journal of Modern European History 21 (2023) 3. Online-Version
Koch, Anna: Home after Fascism. Italian and German Jews after the Holocaust, Bloomington 2023.
Pinto, Vincenzo (Hg.): Remembering the Holocaust in Germany, Austria, Italy and Israel. „Vergangenheitsbewältigung“ as a historical quest, Leiden / Boston 2022.
Sacks, Adam J.: Wiedergutmachung and its Discontents, in: LIMESplus (2015) 2, S. 39–48. Online-Version
Schwerin, Kurt: German compensation for victims of Nazi persecution, in: Northwestern University Law Review 67 (1972) 4, S. 485–494.
Slyomovics, Susan: How to accept German reparations, Philadelphia 2014.
Torpey, John: Making Whole What Has Been Smashed. On Reparation Politics, Cambridge (Mass.) 2006.
Weinke, Annette: West Germany. A case of Transitional Justice avant la lettre?, in: Wouters, Nico (Hg.): Transitional Justice and Memory in Europe (1945–2013), Cambridge / Antwerpen / Portland 2014, S. 25-61. Online-Version
Schwerpunkt Entschädigung
Breil, Reinhold / Bremen, Christian / Dauvermann, Kerstin (Hg.): We, The Six Million. The Reparation-Files of Shoa Victims, Aachen 2021.
Schwerpunkt Rückerstattung
Rückerstattungen bis 1990
Bentwich, Norman: Nazi Spoliation and German Restitution. The Work of the United Restitution Office, in: The Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 10 (1965) 1, S. 204–224. Online-Version
Diner, Dan / Wunberg, Gotthart (Hg.): Restitution and Memory. Material Restoration in Europe, New York u. a. 2007.
Fogg, Shannon Lee: Stealing Home. Looting, Restitution and Reconstructing Jewish Lives in France, 1942–1947, Oxford 2017.
Gold, Dina: Stolen legacy. Nazi theft and the quest for justice at Krausenstrasse 17/18, Berlin, Chicago 2016.
Kapralik, Charles I. (Hg.): Reclaiming the Nazi Loot. The History of the Work of the Jewish Trust Corporation for Germany. A Report, London 1962.
Kapralik, Charles I. (Hg.): The History of the Work of the Jewish Trust Corporation for Germany. A Report. Volume II, London 1971.
Labendz, Jacob Ari (Hg.): Jewish property after 1945. Cultures and economies of ownership, loss, recovery and transfer, London / New York 2018.
Lambertz, Jan: Going Underground. Burial, Restitution, and Jewish Space in Postwar Germany, in: Medaon 15 (2021), 28, S. 1–11. Online-Version
Rosensaft, Menachem Z. / Rosensaft, Joana D.: The Early History of German-Jewish Reparations, in: Fordham International Law Journal 25 (2001) 6, S. S1–S45. Online-Version
Takei, Ayaka: The „Gemeinde Problem“. The Jewish Restitution Successor Organization and the Postwar Jewish Communities in Germany 1947–1954, in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies 16 (2002) 2, S. 266–288. Online-Version
Wolfe, Stephanie: The Politics of Reparations and Apologies, New York / Heidelberg / Dordrecht / London 2014.
Nachum, Iris: Reconstructing Life after Holocaust: The Lastenausgleichsgesetz and the Jewish Struggle for Compensation, in: Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 58 (2013), S. 53–67. Online-Version
In den neuen Bundesländern
Shingleton, A. Bradley / Ahrens, Volker / Ries, Peter: Property Rights in Eastern Germany. An Overview of the Amended Property Law, in: Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law 21 (1991) 3, S. 345–357. Online-Version
Rückerstattung von Kunst- und Kulturgütern
Campbell, Elizabeth: Museum Worthy. Nazi Art Plunder in Postwar Western Europe, New York 2024 (Erscheinungstermin: April 2024).
Campfens, Evelien: Fair and Just Solutions? Alternatives to Litigation in Nazi-Looted Art Disputes. Status Quo and New Developments, Den Haag 2015.
Czubek, Grażyna / Kosiewski, Piotr (Hrsg.): Displaced Cultural Assets. The Case of Western Europe and the Problems of Central and Eastern European Countries in the 20th Century, Warschau 2004.
Ekkart, Rudolf E. O. / Muller, Eelke: Looted Art & Restitution. The Exodus and Partial Return of Dutch Art Property During and after World War II, Zwolle 2023.
Gallas, Elisabeth / Holzer-Kawalko, Anna / Jessen, Caroline / Weiss, Yfaat (Hg.): Contested heritage. Jewish cultural property after 1945, Göttingen 2020. Online-Version
Glickman, Mark: Stolen Words. The Nazi Plunder of Jewish Books, Lincoln 2016.
Golinets, Viktor; Weber, Annette: Themenheft „Beredte Objekte - Provenienzforschung zu NS-Raubgut (= Eloquent objects - provenance research on Nazi looted property)“, Trumah 26 (2023).
Goodman, Simon: The Orpheus Clock. The search for my family's art treasures stolen by the Nazis, New York 2015.
Holzer-Kawalko, Anna: Eastern European Perspectives on the Restitution of Nazi-looted Jewish Cultural Property, in: Naharaim 16 (2022) 2, S. 229–256.
Kreder, Jennifer Anglim: Analysis of the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016, in: Chapman Law Review 20 (2017) 1, S. 1–24. Online-Version
Kochavi, Shir: Salvage to Restitution. „Heirless“ Jewish Cultural Property in Post-World War II, Dissertation University of Leeds 2017. Online-Version
Koordinierungsstelle für Kulturgutverluste (Hg.): Verantwortung wahrnehmen. NS-Raubkunst – eine Herausforderung an Museen, Bibliotheken und Archive = Taking Responsibility. Nazi-looted Art – A Challenge for Museums, Libraries, and Archives. Bearbeitet von Andrea Baresel-Brand, Magdeburg:, 2009. (deutsch/englisch)
Lauterbach, Iris: The Central Collecting Point in Munich. A New Beginning for the Restitution and Protection of Art, Los Angeles 2019.
O’Donnell, Nicholas M.: A Tragic Fate. Law and Ethics in the Battle over Nazi-looted Art, Chicago 2017.
Rorimer, James J.: Monuments Man. The Mission to Save Vermeers, Rembrandts, Da Vincis, and More From the Nazis' Grasp, New York 2022.
Rydell, Anders: The Book Thieves. The Nazi Looting of Europe's Libraries and the Race to Return a Literary Inheritance, New York 2018.
Smyth, Craig Hugh: The Central Art Collecting Point in Munich, Passau 2022.
The Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of Cultural Assets of WW II Victims (Hg.): Terezín Declaration – Ten Years Later. 7th International Conference. The documentation, identification and restitution of the cultural assets of WWII victims. Proceedings of an international academic conference held in Prague on 18–19 June 2019, Prag 2019. Online-Version
Waite, Robert G.: Returning Jewish Cultural Property. The Handling of Books Looted by the Nazis in the American Zone of Occupation, 1945 to 1952, in: Libraries & Culture 37 (2002) 3, S. 213–228.
Weller, Matthias: Fundamentals of a Restitution Culture for Works of Art and Cultural Property Confiscated During Nazi Persecution, in: Gephart, Werner / Witte, Daniel (Hg.): Communities and the(ir) Law (Schriftenreihe des Käte-Hamburger-Kollegs „Recht als Kultur“, 31), Frankfurt am Main 2023, S. 251–278.
Becker, Maximilian: The Fédération Internationale des Résistants (FIR). Its Activities During the Breakdown of the Soviet Bloc, in: S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation 3 (2016) 2, S. 4–24. Online-Version
Bentwich, Norman: The United Restitution Organisation 1948-1968. The Work of Restitution and Compensation for Victims of Nazi Oppression, London 1968.
Braun, Kathrin: Biopolitics and Historic Justice. Coming to Terms with the Injuries of Normality, Bielefeld 2021. Online-Version
Rudberg, Pontus: Holocaust Testimonies in Jewish Compensation Claims in the United Restitution Organisation’s Archive in Stockholm, in: Herman, Johannes / Rudberg, Pontus (Hg.): Early Holocaust Memory in Sweden. Archives, Testimonies and Reflections, Cham 2021, S. 93-117.
Schüler-Springorum, Stefanie: German Zeitgeschichte from the Margins. The Post-War Experience of Nazi Victims, in: German Historical Institute London Bulletin 46 (2024) 1, S. 3–25. Online-Version
Weber, Avraham: The Ghetto Workers Law. Social security benefits for work undertaken in Nazi ghettos under German Federal Law, Den Haag 2016.
Zarusky, Jürgen: History on Trial before the Social Welfare Courts. Holocaust Survivors, German Judges, and the Struggle for „Ghetto Pensions“, in: Hansen, Randall / Saupe, Achim / Wirsching, Andreas / Yang, Daqinh (Hg.): Authenticity and Victimhood after the Second World War. Narratives from Europe and East Asia, Toronto / Buffalo / London 2021, S. 94–10.
Newsome, W. Jake: Pink Triangle Legacies. Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust, Ithaca / London 2022.
Sinti und Roma
Donert, Celia / Rosenhaft, Eve (Hg.): The Legacies of the Romani Genocide in Europe Since 1945, London / New York 2022.
Greenstein, Claire: Individual legal action as minority activism. Romani Germans in 1950s West Germany, in: Social Science Quarterly 105 (2024) 3, S. 597–611. Online-Version
Knesebeck, Julia von dem: The Roma struggle for compensation in post-war Germany, Hatfield (UK) 2011. Online-Version
Warnock, Barbara / Bath, Elise: Discrimination Against Roma and Sinti Survivors of Nazi Persecution. Case Studies from the International Tracing Service, in: Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 71 (2023) 3, S. 422–438.
Ferencz, Benjamin B.: Less than Slaves. Jewish Forced Labor and the Quest for Compensation, Bloomington (Ind.) 2002.
Jansen, Michael / Saathoff, Günter (Hg.): A mutual responsibility and a moral obligation. The final report on Germany's forced labor compensation programs, New York 2009.
Mink, Andreas: Challenging „Wiedergutmachung“. The Slave Labor Negotiations of 1998–2001, Prag 2012.
Saathoff, Günter / Gerlant, Uta / Mieth, Friederike / Wühler, Norbert (Hg.): The German Compensation Program for Forced Labor. Practice and Experiences, Berlin 2017. Online-Version
Spoerer, Mark / Fleischhacker, Jochen: The Compensation of Nazi Germany’s Forced Labourer: Demographic Findings and Political Implications, in: Population Studies 56 (2002) 1, S. 5–21. Online-Version
Zumbansen, Peer (Hg.): Zwangsarbeit im Dritten Reich. Erinnerung und Verantwortung. Juristische und zeithistorische Betrachtungen = NS-Forced Labor: Remembrance and Responsibility: Legal and Historical Observations, Baden-Baden 2002. (deutsch/englisch)
Zwangssterilisation und „Euthanasie“
Roos, Julia: The Race to Forget? Bi-racial Descendants of the First Rhineland Occupation in 1950s West German Debates about the Children of African American Gis, in: German History 37 (2019) 4, S. 517–539. Online-Version
Surmann, Rolf: Rehabilitation and Indemnification for the Victims of Forced Sterilization and „Euthanasia“. The West German Policies of „Compensation“ („Wiedergutmachung“), in: Roelcke, Volker / Topp, Sascha / Lepicard, Etienne (Hg.): Silence, Scapegoats, Self-Reflection. The Shadow of Nazi Medical Crimes on Medicine and Bioethics, Göttingen 2014, S. 113–128.
SBZ/DDR, Regionalstudien (Ost)
Timm, Angelika: Jewish Claims against East Germany. Moral Obligations and Pragmatic Policy, Budapest 1997.
Tovy, Jacob: All Quiet on the Eastern Front. Israel and the Issue of Reparations from East-Germany, 1951–1956, in: Israel Studies 18 (2013) 1, S. 77–100.
Campbell, Elizabeth: Museum Worthy. Nazi Art Plunder in Postwar Western Europe, New York 2024 (Erscheinungstermin: April 2024).
Ludi, Regula: Reparations for Nazi Victims in Postwar Europe, Cambridge (Mass.) 2012.
Ludi, Regula: Second‑Wave Holocaust Restitution, Post‑Communist Privatization, and the Global Triumph of Neoliberalism in the 1990s, in: Yod. Revue des études hébraïques et juives 21 (2018), S. 1–30. Online-Version
Marrus, Michael Robert: Some Measure of Justice. The Holocaust Era Restitution Campaign of the 1990s, Madison 2009.
Schrafstetter, Susanna: The Diplomacy of Wiedergutmachung: Memory, the Cold War, and the Western European Victims of Nazism, 1956–1964, in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies 17 (2003) 3, S. 459–479. Online-Version
Fogg, Shannon Lee: Stealing Home. Looting, Restitution and Reconstructing Jewish Lives in France, 1942–1947, Oxford 2017.
Babis Karpouchtsis, Charalampos: German Foreign Policy and Greek Martyr Communities. Reconciliation Policy for Places of Memory in Greece and the Role of Recognition, Wiesbaden 2024.
Droumpouki, Anna Maria: German Federal Compensation and Restitution Laws and the Greek Jews, in: Yad Vashem. Yad Vashem studies 45 (2017) 1, S. 155–177.
Schrafstetter, Susanna: „Gentlemen, the Cheese Is All Gone!“ British POWs, the ‘Great Escape’ and the Anglo-German Agreement for Compensation to Victims of Nazism, in: Contemporary European History 17 (2008) 1, S. 23–43. Online-Version
Israel / JCC
Balabkins, Nicholas: West German reparations to Israel, New Brunswick 1971.
Barzel, Neima: Dignity, Hatred, and Memory – Reparations from Germany. The Debates in the 1950s, in: Yad Vashem Studies 24 (1994), S. 247–280.
Bazyler, Michael J. (Hg.): Holocaust Restitution. Perspectives on the Litigation and its Legacy, New York u. a. 2006.
Bazyler, Michael J. / Boyd, Kathryn Lee / Nelson, Kristen L. / Shah, Rajika L. (Hg.): Searching for Justice After the Holocaust. Fulfilling the Terezin Declaration and Immovable Property Restitution, New York 2019.
Blumenthal, Rachel: Right to Reparations. The Claims Conference and Holocaust Survivors 1951–1964, Lanham / Boulder / New York / London 2021.
Bundesministerium der Finanzen / Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc. (Claims Conference) (Hg.): Reckonings. A Film About the Luxembourg Agreements 1952, Berlin 2022.
Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc. (Claims Conference) (Hg.): Claims Conference Worldbook 2020. A Guide to Claims Conference Programs Worldwide. o.O. 2021. Online-Version
De Vita, Lorena: Israelpolitik. German-Israeli relations 1949–69, Manchester 2020.
De Vita, Lorena: Dutch Hospitality. The 1952 German-Jewish-Israeli Negotiations amid Post-Holocaust and Post-Imperial Tensions, in: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review 137 (2022) 2, S. 4–29. Online-Version
Fink, Carole: Negotiating after Negotiations. Nahum Goldmann, West Germany, and the Origins of the 1980 Hardship Fund, in: Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts 15 (2016), S. 287–305.
Fink, Carole: West Germany and Israel. Foreign Relations, Domestic Politics, and the Cold War 1965–1974, Cambridge 2019.
Geller, Jay Howard: Jews in Post-Holocaust Germany 1945–1953, Cambridge (Mass.) 2005.
Geller, Jay Howard / Meng, Michael (Hg.): Rebuilding Jewish life in Germany, New Brunswick 2020.
Henry, Marilyn: Confronting the perpetrators. A history of the Claims Conference, London 2007.
Landsberger, Michael: Restitution receipts, households savings and consumption behavior in Israel. A case study of the effect of personal restitution receipts from West Germany on savings and consumption behavior of Israeli households, Jerusalem 1970.
Marwecki, Daniel B.: Germany and Israel. An unlikely alliance? (West) German foreign policy towards Israel, the Arab‐Israeli conflict and the Palestine question. Dissertation SOAS University of London 2018. Online-Version
Marwecki, Daniel: Germany and Israel. Whitewashing and Statebuilding, London 2020.
Peters, Joel / Geist Pinfold, Rob (Hg.): Routledge Handbook on Israel's Foreign Relations, London / New York 2024.
Reuveni, Gideon: The Phantom Giant, the No-Key Gate, and the Beauty Salon of History. The German-Jewish Reparation Settlement and the Holocaust, in: S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation 10 (2023) 3, S. 86–103. Online-Version
Sagi, Nana: German reparations. A history of the negotiations, Jerusalem 1980.
Sharett, Yaakov (Hg.): The Reparations Controversy. The Jewish State and German Money in the Shadow of the Holocaust 1951–1952. Berlin / Boston 2011. Online-Version
Tovy, Jacob: All Quiet on the Eastern Front. Israel and the Issue of Reparations from East-Germany, 1951–1956, in: Israel Studies 18 (2013) 1, S. 77–100.
Tovy, Jacob: Talking after Auschwitz? The public-political struggle in Israel over the negotiation of a reparations agreement with West Germany, 1951–1952, in: Holocaust Studies 23 (2017) 4, S. 483-504. Online-Version
Tovy, Jacob: Israel and the Question of Reparations from Germany. Post-Holocaust Reckonings (1949-1953), Berlin / Boston 2023. Online-Version
Zweig, Ronald W.: German reparations and the Jewish world. A history of the Claims Conference, Boulder 1987.
Zweig, Ronald W.: German Reparations and the Jewish World. A History of the Claims Conference, 2. erw. Aufl., London / Portland 2001.
Pavan, Ilaria: Not Facing the Past. Restitutions and Reparations in Italy (1944–2017), in: Yod. Revue des études hébraïques et juives 21 (2018), S. 83–101. Online-Version
Jugoslawien / Nachfolgestaaten Jugoslawiens
Davidović, Maja: Rectification of Racial Discrimination during WWII. The Case of Restitution Laws in Serbia, in: Contemporary Southeastern Europe 4 (2017) 1, S. 105–118. Online-Version
Dobrovšak, Ljiljana: Restitution of Jewish Property in Croatia, in: LIMESplus (2015) 2, S. 65–88. Online-Version
Weber, Avraham: Heirless Property Restitution. The Serbian Model, in: The Review of International Affairs LXVIII (2017) 1166-1167, S. 133–142. Online-Version
Ekkart, Rudolf E. O. / Muller, Eelke: Looted Art & Restitution. The Exodus and Partial Return of Dutch Art Property During and after World War II, Zwolle 2023.
Karlsberg, Bernd: German Federal Compensation- and Restitution-Laws and Jewish Victims in the Netherlands, in: Studia Rosenthaliana 2 (1968) 2, S. 194–244.
Karner, Stefan / Iber, Walter M. (Hg.): A Heavy Legacy and Wiedergutmachung. Compensation and Restitution in Austria. The final balance of the Schüssel government, Innsbruck / Wien / Bozen 2019.
Barcz, Jan: The 1989–1991 Watershed in Polish-German Relations and the Issue of Compensation for Victims of Nazi Crimes Living in Poland (The Agreement of 16 October 1991), in: Przegląd Zachodni (2019) Spezial Issue, S. 203–228. Online-Version
Jarząbek, Wanda: The Authorities of the Polish People's Republic and the Problem of Reparations and Compensation from the Federal Republic of Germany 1953-1989, in: The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest 5 (2005) 4, S. 151–181.
Kranz, Jerzy: War Reparations and Individual Claims in the Context of Polish-German Relations, in: Polish Yearbook of International Law 41 (2021), S. 121–142. Online-Version
Matei, Petre: Compensation Claims from Romania in the ITS Collections. Between the Victims and the State, in: Jahrbuch des International Tracing Service 5 (2016), S. 160–186.
Matei, Petre: The Reparations Game. Early Efforts at German Compensation for the Jewish Victims of the Holocaust in Romania (1967–1970), in: Holocaust. Studii şi Cercetări 12 (2020) 1, S. 365–398.
Rudberg, Pontus: Holocaust Testimonies in Jewish Compensation Claims in the United Restitution Organisation’s Archive in Stockholm, in: Herman, Johannes / Rudberg, Pontus (Hg.): Early Holocaust Memory in Sweden. Archives, Testimonies and Reflections, Cham 2021, S. 93-117.
Tschechoslowakei / Nachfolgestaaten der Tschechoslowakei
Hochstein, Robert: Jewish Property Restitution in the Czech Republic, in: Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 19 (1996) 2, S. 423–447. Online-Version
Mink, Andreas: Challenging „Wiedergutmachung“. The Slave Labor Negotiations of 1998–2001, Prag 2012.
Klacsmann, Borbála: Abandoned, confiscated, and stolen property. Jewish-Gentile relations in Hungary as reflected in restitution letters, in: Holocaust Studies 23 (2017) 1-2, S. 133–148. Online-Version
Klacsmann, Borbála: Neglected Restitution. The Relations of the Government Commission for Abandoned Property and the Hungarian Jews 1945–1948, in: The Hungarian Historical Review 9 (2020) 3, S. 512–529. Online-Version
Klacsmann, Borbála: After the Storm. The Long-Term Consequences of the Holocaust and Compensation in Hungary, in: Jahrbuch des Dubnow-Instituts /Dubnow Institute Yearbook 18 (2019), S. 233–257. Online-Version
Peresztegi, Ágnes: Reparation and Compensation in Hungary 1945–2003, in: Molnár, Judit (Hg.): The Holocaust in Hungary. A European Perspective, Budapest 2005, S. 677–684.
Pogany, Istvan: The Restitution of Former Jewish-Owned Property and Related Schemes of Compensation in Hungary, in: European Public Law 4 (1998), S. 211 ff.
Kreder, Jennifer Anglim: Analysis of the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016, in: Chapman Law Review 20 (2017) 1, S. 1–24. Online-Version
Breil, Reinhold / Bremen, Christian / Dauvermann, Kerstin (Hg.): We, The Six Million. The Reparation-Files of Shoa Victims, Aachen 2021.
Matei, Petre: Compensation Claims from Romania in the ITS Collections. Between the Victims and the State, in: Jahrbuch des International Tracing Service 5 (2016), S. 160–186.
Rothfeld, Anne: A Source for Holocaust Research. The United Restitution Organization Files, in: Perspectives Online 38 (2000) 4. Online-Version
Gold, Dina: Stolen legacy. Nazi theft and the quest for justice at Krausenstrasse 17/18, Berlin, Chicago 2016.
Goodman, Simon: The Orpheus Clock. The search for my family's art treasures stolen by the Nazis, New York 2015.
Rorimer, James J.: Monuments Man. The Mission to Save Vermeers, Rembrandts, Da Vincis, and More From the Nazis' Grasp, New York 2022.