Online collection Wiedergutmachung for
National Socialist Injustice


The websites listed below address all kinds of aspects in the scope of Wiedergutmachung. They provide information on the topic and on common archival terminology, and they refer to databases containing personal information about victims persecuted by the National Socialist regime. The list does not claim to be complete. Regular updates are provided. Many of the sources are in German only.


Bayerisches Landesentschädigungsamt im Historischen Lexikon Bayerns

The entry on „Landesentschädigungsamt (Land compensation office)” in the Historisches Lexikon Bayerns provides information about the Wiedergutmachung procedure in Bavaria.

Entschädigungsakten/Wiedergutmachungsakten in LeoBW

LEO-BW – the regional information system for the Land Baden-Württemberg – provides information on Wiedergutmachung in Baden-Württemberg and on the use of compensation and restitution records.n.


The German-English online collection "German History in Documents and Images" of the German Historical Institute in Washington contains numerous historical documents on German Wiedergutmachung.

Jüdisches Leben und Wiedergutmachung in Bayern nach 1945

The Bayerischer Rundfunk website contains information on Jewish life in Bavaria after 1945 and on Wiedergutmachung.

Konrad Kittl – Die Akten

The homepage provides detailed information on the files of the Munich lawyer Konrad Kittl, who handled around 1,500 compensation proceedings. The files are part of the holdings of the Munich Workers' Movement Archive.

Lernen aus der Geschichte

The “Learning from History” platform offers material for historical and civic education and suggests methodological ideas for teachers to impart the subject of Wiedergutmachung.

Norbert Wollheim Memorial

ublished by the Wollheim Commission of the Goethe University Frankfurt, the Memorial provides information about Norbert Wollheim (1913-1998) who survived the Monowitz-Buna concentration camp and had to perform forced labor for I.G.Farben. In 1951, he filed a suit against the conglomerate in a test case seeking compensation.

Rückerstattung und Wiedergutmachung am Beispiel Mannheims

The educational platform “History” of the Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg offers teaching material on restitution and compensation in the city of Mannheim.

Universitäten - Geschichte - Quellen

An article in the blog “Universities - History – Sources” presents three archival documents on the subject of Wiedergutmachung from the Hamburg University Archives.

Visual History Archive an der FU Berlin

The online platform of Freie Universität Berlin provides access to the collection of the Institute for Visual History and Education of the Shoah Foundation at the University of Southern California (USC). It offers more than 55,000 video interviews of Holocaust survivors and provides insight into the transcriptions of 903 German and 47 foreign-language video interviews created at Freie Universität Berlin, some of which also shed light on personal experiences with the German Wiedergutmachung policy.

Webinar „Quellen zur Geschichte der Wiedergutmachung im Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg“

The webinar by the State Archives of Baden-Württemberg helps to research and use archival records on compensation for National Socialist injustice. It introduces into the history of Wiedergutmachung in Baden-Württemberg and presents selected documents.

Wiedergutmachung und jüdisches Leben in der DDR

The website of the State Archives of Saxony-Anhalt contains information and digitized records on Wiedergutmachung and on Jewish life in Saxony-Anhalt and in the GDR.

Zwangsarbeit 1933–1945 – Erinnern und Geschichte

The online interview collection initiated by the EVZ Foundation in cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin and with the German Historical Museum presents witness accounts on forced labor from 1939-1945 and on the victims’ struggle for compensation.

Zwangsarbeit im NS-Staat

The portal of the Federal Archives provides central access to information on forced labor under the National Socialist regime. It includes, among other things, information on compensation efforts and measures, a directory of places of detention, and information on institutions and companies who employed forced laborers.

Artistic and Cultural Assets

Arbeitsgruppe Wiedergutmachungsakten beim Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V.

The working group on Wiedergutmachung records at the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V. addresses the opportunities of using restitution and compensation records for provenance research.

Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste

Established in Magdeburg in 2015 by the German government, the federal states and the head associations of local authorities, the German Lost Art Foundation serves as a central point of contact in Germany and offers advice and assistance on all questions relating to unlawful confiscation of cultural property

Forschungsdatenbank Proveana

The database comprises the results of all research projects funded by the German Lost Art Foundation.

Jewish Digital Cultural Recovery Project

The digital platform “Jewish Digital Cultural Recovery Project” offers information on Jewish art and cultural assets seized during the National Socialist era with cross-references for archival documentation, research and education.

Lost Art-Datenbank

The database operated by the German Lost Art Foundation documents cultural assets removed, relocated or expropriated as a result of National Socialist persecution or of the Second World War.

Mission de recherche et de restitution des biens culturels spoliés entre 1933 et 1945

The website of the French Ministry of Culture provides information about the “Mission to search for and to restore cultural property looted between 1933 and 1945”, which engages in the research and restitution of cultural assets stolen between 1933 and 1945.

Provenienzdatenbank Bund

The German Federal Arts Administration researches the provenance of artworks of the Federal Republic of Germany originating from former property of the German Reich. The Federal Provenance Database lists all pieces of artwork restituted since 2000, but also objects whose provenance is still unclear.

Provenienzdatenbank Looted Cultural Assets

Within the cooperation “Looted Cultural Assets”, libraries committed to the investigation of Nazi-looted cultural property are researching the provenance of their books. The Looted Cultural Assets database contains more than 32,000 references to former ownership and information on more than 10,000 persons and institutions.


Auschwitz Prisoners

The database of the State Memorial and Museum of the former concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau contains information on prisoners of and deportees to Auschwitz.

Database of Holocaust Survivor and Victim Names

The database of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum provides information on the names of victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

Datenbank der Arolsen Archives

The Arolsen Archives maintain the world's most comprehensive collection of documents about the victims and survivors of National Socialism - with references to around 17.5 million people.

Gedenkbuch „Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945“

The Memorial Book of the Federal Archives contains the names of all Jews who were murdered or died in other ways due to persecution between 1933 and 1945, who had voluntarily resided in the German Reich (within its territory as of December 31, 1937) regardless of their nationality.


The extensive website includes several databases and offers numerous search tools on Jewish genealogy. JewishGen is a non-profit organization founded in 1987. Since 2003, it has been an affiliate of the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.

Lexikon verfolgter Musiker und Musikerinnen der NS-Zeit

The online lexicon of the Institut für Historische Musikwissenschaft at the Universität Hamburg provides information about professional musicians persecuted by the National Socialist regime.

LostLift Datenbank

The database of the German Maritime Museum - Leibniz Institute of Maritime History reconstructs the route of the removal goods confiscated in the ports of Bremen and Hamburg from 1939 onwards and provides information on the fate of the persecuted former owners.

Mapping the Lives

The project of the non-profit organization Tracing the Past e.V. contains over 950,000 entries on people persecuted in Europe from 1933-1945, based on the supplementary cards of the 1939 ‘minority’ census (so-called Residents' List of the Federal Archives) and on other verifiable sources.

Memorial Archives

The Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial provides an online database to research prisoners of the Flossenbürg concentration camp or one of its subcamps.

Opfer der NS-„Euthanasie“

The Federal Archives database contains more than 30,000 names and additional information of euthanasia victims for whom medical records are available in the R 179 fonds.

Sowjetische Kriegsgefangene

The database of the Saxon Memorial Foundation was a result of the project “Soviet and German prisoners of war and internees (2000-2014)” which analyzed documents from German archives and archives of the former USSR.

Stadt Euskirchen

The register "Recognition as a persecuted person and entitlement to Wiedergutmachung" lists names and additional information of victims of National Socialist persecution in the town of Euskirchen.

Wiedergutmachungs-Datenbank im Landesarchiv Berlin

The database provides an overview of the restitution case files of the Berlin restitution offices held by the Berlin State Archive.

Yad Vashem - The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names

The database of the World Holocaust Remembrance Center Yad Vashem contains the names and biographical data of millions of victims and survivors of the systematic persecution of Jews by the National Socialist regime.

Academic Projects

Bildungsagenda NS-Unrecht

The website provides information about the projects and approaches of the “Education Agenda NS-Injustice”, a program launched in 2021 by the EVZ Foundation on the initiative and with funding of the German Federal Ministry of Finance. It is part of the follow-up tasks for German Wiedergutmachung policy.

„Ewige Zuchthäusler?!“

In cooperation with the Institut für Braunschweigische Regionalgeschichte und Geschichtsvermittlung (IBRG) and the Hogeschool VIVES in Kortrijk/Belgium, the research project at the Wolfenbüttel Prison Memorial investigates and analyzes the experiences regarding compensation for Western European prisoners of Wolfenbüttel during the Nazi period.


The project “The post-Holocaust Development of Legal Remedies as a Learning Process" at Justus Liebig University Giessen examines the legal framework of compensation law that emerged after 1945 to make amends for crimes committed by the National Socialist regime.

Learning from Files

By use of approximately 1,000 compensation files from the Bavarian regional association of the Association of German Sinti and Roma, the project “Learning from Files” sheds light on the perspective of surviving Sinti and Roma and of the Wiedergutmachung authorities within the German compensation practice after 1945. Aside from the digitization and scientific analysis of the files, the project intends to prepare didactic materials for extracurricular educational programs in universities, memorial sites and authorities.

Symposium 2023: Status quo and quo vadis?

The presentations at the symposium "Status quo and quo vadis? New Research on the Recognition and Compensation of Nazi Injustice in Comparative Perspective" will provide an insight into current research projects on questions of Wiedergutmachung. Organized by the Forschungsstelle Antiziganismus at Heidelberg University, the symposium took place at the Heidelberg School of Jewish Studies in March 2023. 

Using Archival Sources and Records

Bundesarchiv-Glossar zur Schriftgut- und Informationsverwaltung

The Federal Archives' glossary contains an alphabetical list of the terms and definitions related to records management.

Dictionary of Archives Terminology

The English dictionary of the Society of American Archivists is the foremost reference on the archival lexicon. Its entries primarily draw from the professional literature in the United States and Canada.

EHRI Online Course „Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust“

The Online Course in Holocaust Studies "Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust" of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Project (EHRI) provides an in-depth introduction to working with German records and sources related to the Holocaust, including a "glossary of archival and diplomatic terms". EHRI intends to bring together and promote international Holocaust research and offers access to research data and information on the institutions holding archival material on the Holocaust.

Interpretive guide to the United Restitution Organization claims files

The Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives (formerly Canadian Jewish Congress CC National Archives) have developed a guide to help people read and understand Wiedergutmachung documents, such as those found in the records of the United Restitution Organization (URO). Founded in 1948, the URO supported Holocaust survivors in their restitution proceedings and provided legal assistance. An extensive German-English glossary explains the specialized terms, expressions and abbreviations used in the documents.

Multilingual Archival Terminology

Multilingual archival terminology database developed by the International Council on Archives (ICA) and InterPARES Trust, multi-national, interdisciplinary research project exploring issues of trust and trustworthiness of records and data in online environments. The ICA is a network of archivists, archival directorates and institutions and professional associations. 

Terminologie der Archivwissenschaft

Alphabetical glossary by the Archivschule Marburg providing information on the most important archival terms.

Webinar „Quellen zur Geschichte der Wiedergutmachung im Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg“

The webinar by the State Archives of Baden-Württemberg helps to research and use archival records on compensation for National Socialist injustice.

Victims' Associations

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bund der „Euthanasie“-Geschädigten und Zwangssterilisierten

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bund der 'Euthanasie'-Geschädigten und Zwangssterilisierten is committed to the rehabilitation of victims of euthanasia or forced sterilization.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft ehemals verfolgter Sozialdemokraten

The Arbeitskreis ehemals verfolgter und inhaftierter Sozialdemokraten (AvS) arose in 2016 from the merger of two working groups concerned with formerly persecuted Social Democrats and political prisoners in the Soviet occupation zone and in the GDR.

Bundesverband Information und Beratung für NS-Verfolgte e.V.

The Bundesverband Information & Beratung für NS-Verfolgte (Federal Association Information and Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution) advises victims of National Socialist persecution and their descendants and supports social projects to improve the lives of survivors.

Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc. (Claims Conference)

Founded in 1951 by representatives of various international Jewish organizations, the Claims Conference negotiates for and secures material compensation for Holocaust survivors around the world.

Virtual Exhibitions

Jüdischen Museums Berlin

The virtual exhibition "Looting and Restitution" at the Jewish Museum Berlin narrates the history of Jewish-owned cultural artifacts from 1933 to the present.

KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme

The virtual tour through the exhibitions of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial includes information on compensation for former concentration camp prisoners (see section 8 “Life after Liberation") and some first-hand accounts on Wiedergutmachung in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Occupation Zone/GDR.

Wiedergutmachung Authorities

Bundesamt für zentrale Dienste und offene Vermögenfragen

The German Federal Office for Central Services and Unresolved Property Issues (BADV) settles restitution or compensation claims regarding illegal seizures of property on the territory of the new Länder and in East Berlin during the National Socialist period, in the event that compensation was not provided by the GDR. It also implements the federal government guidelines on transitional payments to surviving spouses of victims of National Socialist injustice and on payments in recognition of ghetto work that did not constitute forced labor. The BADV administers the records of the former Office for the Legal Protection of the Assets of the GDR, of the of the vault administration division of the GDR Finance Ministry Treasury, and the restitution archive which contains files from the National Socialist period and from the post-1945 period relating to proceedings under the Federal Restitution Act.

Bundesministerium der Finanzen

Within the Federal Government, the German Federal Ministry of Finance has been in charge of all issues relating to Wiedergutmachung.

Entschädigungsbehörden des Bundes und der Länder

A current list of the still existing compensation offices of the Federal Republic and the Länder is available on the website of the Rhineland-Palatinate Landesamt für Finanzen.
