Bayerisches Landesentschädigungsamt im Historischen Lexikon Bayerns
The entry on „Landesentschädigungsamt (Land compensation office)” in the Historisches Lexikon Bayerns provides information about the Wiedergutmachung procedure in Bavaria.
Entschädigungsakten/Wiedergutmachungsakten in LeoBW
LEO-BW – the regional information system for the Land Baden-Württemberg – provides information on Wiedergutmachung in Baden-Württemberg and on the use of compensation and restitution records.n.
The German-English online collection "German History in Documents and Images" of the German Historical Institute in Washington contains numerous historical documents on German Wiedergutmachung.
Jüdisches Leben und Wiedergutmachung in Bayern nach 1945
The Bayerischer Rundfunk website contains information on Jewish life in Bavaria after 1945 and on Wiedergutmachung.
The homepage provides detailed information on the files of the Munich lawyer Konrad Kittl, who handled around 1,500 compensation proceedings. The files are part of the holdings of the Munich Workers' Movement Archive.
The “Learning from History” platform offers material for historical and civic education and suggests methodological ideas for teachers to impart the subject of Wiedergutmachung.
ublished by the Wollheim Commission of the Goethe University Frankfurt, the Memorial provides information about Norbert Wollheim (1913-1998) who survived the Monowitz-Buna concentration camp and had to perform forced labor for I.G.Farben. In 1951, he filed a suit against the conglomerate in a test case seeking compensation.
Rückerstattung und Wiedergutmachung am Beispiel Mannheims
The educational platform “History” of the Landesbildungsserver Baden-Württemberg offers teaching material on restitution and compensation in the city of Mannheim.
Universitäten - Geschichte - Quellen
An article in the blog “Universities - History – Sources” presents three archival documents on the subject of Wiedergutmachung from the Hamburg University Archives.
Visual History Archive an der FU Berlin
The online platform of Freie Universität Berlin provides access to the collection of the Institute for Visual History and Education of the Shoah Foundation at the University of Southern California (USC). It offers more than 55,000 video interviews of Holocaust survivors and provides insight into the transcriptions of 903 German and 47 foreign-language video interviews created at Freie Universität Berlin, some of which also shed light on personal experiences with the German Wiedergutmachung policy.
Webinar „Quellen zur Geschichte der Wiedergutmachung im Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg“
The webinar by the State Archives of Baden-Württemberg helps to research and use archival records on compensation for National Socialist injustice. It introduces into the history of Wiedergutmachung in Baden-Württemberg and presents selected documents.
Wiedergutmachung und jüdisches Leben in der DDR
The website of the State Archives of Saxony-Anhalt contains information and digitized records on Wiedergutmachung and on Jewish life in Saxony-Anhalt and in the GDR.
Zwangsarbeit 1933–1945 – Erinnern und Geschichte
The online interview collection initiated by the EVZ Foundation in cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin and with the German Historical Museum presents witness accounts on forced labor from 1939-1945 and on the victims’ struggle for compensation.
The portal of the Federal Archives provides central access to information on forced labor under the National Socialist regime. It includes, among other things, information on compensation efforts and measures, a directory of places of detention, and information on institutions and companies who employed forced laborers.